Women Change-Makers

Submitted By: Jennifer Paterson | Age: 34 

I have always wanted to teach and inspire and help other people. Last year saw me do many things to help others including handing out coffee and scarves to the homeless, collect goods for a young mothers transitional home, and hold my first fundraiser for a local non-profit. I did all of this pregnant, and eventually as a new mother. I never doubted that it could all be done because I never grew up thinking I was less capable just because I was a girl. But I know not everyone has role models in place to reinforce positivity and self confidence and I want to help change that.

Always the artist I began drawing and painting people who inspired me (most of them women) and often had friends ask if I’d ever thought of creating my own colouring book. It took me months before I put the two together as a new concept and opportunity to marry my love of art and my desire to teach. Women Change-Makers: a colouring book was born. I began researching women who were innovators, artists, scientists and social activists. The more I dug the more I realized that there was an endless array of women who have done amazing things that I had never even heard of. Where were they in our history lessons? In TV programming? In the news? There is a void in women’s recognition that needs to be filled and what a perfect way than to educate young women and girls about inspiring women while also giving them tools to be mindful and reduce stress.

The popularity of adult colouring books is apparent in most places you can spend your money. From grocery stores to pharmacies colouring books can be found everywhere because people recognize their benefits. I’d like to take this further with my book; Inspire, Educate, and Have Fun!

Women Change-Makers: a colouring book will be an amazing tool to inspire women and girls, showing them that there are no limits. Girls can’t what? Exactly!

If you’d like to read more about this project and how you can help please visit my Kickstarter page! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/454819373/women-change-makers-a-colouring-book

Find me at: https://www.facebook.com/JMPaterson-251114321680790/

Have you ever been told you can't because you're a girl?

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