Fire Breathing Dragon

Submitted By: Raven | Age: 36 

RAVEN-swordI am a singer/songwriter and passionate entrepreneur from Belgium and I would like to share my new music video with you called “Fire Breathing Dragon”:

I wrote Fire Breathing Dragon after a devastating break-up that turned out to be my escape into the life I wanted to lead. I had been held back for more than a decade without even realising it until the very end. I guess something had to snap before I was able to move on and reclaim my dreams. I always saw myself as a strong person and doing what I wanted, while this was clearly not the case for many years. Once those chains released me, I became the person I wanted to be, the person I was supposed to be all along.

The song is a call to action for people everywhere. I want them to be able to blast the music in their car, at work, wherever they may be on their journey in life, if it helps them find the motivation to face life head on and take no prisoners! I want people to find the fire breathing dragon within themselves and transform into the person they want to be.
It’s a dramatic interpretation of empowerment, especially for women, breaking free of the chains of life and overcoming those things that have held us down. Do not forget, that we are born with the sheer unlimited potential to grow, adapt and succeed, so the message is to not postpone pursuing our dreams out of fear or insecurity but to explore and realise them.

I’ve wanted to be a singer ever since I was a little girl. I went to endless classical lessons, was in bands, did studiowork, all just to hear that I was to young, or should finish school first, or after that too old (when i was 23) or not exotic enough, no one knows where Belgium is anyway.. despite all this – here I am anyway with my debut single that I wrote myself!

My goal is to bring power back to the people, not with religion or politics but through music, by boosting their self-esteem from the inside out. Whether they have felt criticized or rejected, neglected or not fitting in… it is never too late to shift gears and outgrow these patterns. Sometimes it just takes the example of someone living their dreams to regain the trust in your own unlimited possibilities.

You can follow my journey and find your own inspiration and motivation on and via all my socials.

Find me at:

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