The Girl Talk forums are back!

It’s taken me well over nine hours to put it all together, but I have officially revived the Girl Talk forums that were lost in the shuffle of January’s move from Joomla to WordPress. Seems to be working pretty well for me. You should be able to login from the forums or from any page of the site now. To access the forums, click the “Girl Talk” tab at the top of the page for the “Girl Talk” link in the login box.

I’m going to be opening a few more boards soon to cover expanding topics like sports, music and other interest areas. If you’d like a specific area for football, soccer, computer geeks, etc. just let me know. I will also be changing the theme colors for the forums to a color that blends in better with my theme. A couple hours of photoshopping should do the trick.
As always, if you have problems please email me so I can fix them. Thanks!


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