Invest in yourself the right way

Woman CEOLast year I doubled my income. And I didn’t even start until June.

I also learned how to better manage my time, gain confidence, leverage my talents to do more of the things I love and make more money in the process. I did it all by making one simple investment in myself.

As an entrepreneur, I know many of you are following the same path I am in trying to reach financial goals, learn new skills and achieve your dreams. There is a lot to take on all at once and it gets pretty overwhelming. Adding to that stress is the endless source of information blasting at you from all directions. We all know we need to invest in ourselves, but how do you know which way to turn with all these life coaches, marketing gurus and business courses all clamoring for your attention and your wallet?

I’ve been there, I know what it’s like to chase your dream, but be paralyzed by the zillions of choices and directions one could go. I’ve handed over hard-earned money to hucksters, paid for things that had no value and been duped by scam artists who repackaged what the previous huckster was selling. It’s no fun wading through all that crap to only gain an inch when you need to be miles ahead. So how do you invest in your dreams without being scammed?

The gem in the online cesspool

Last year, I discovered a program that turned my entire world around. Not only did I double my income while doing the things I love to do, but I have so much new business that this year I’ve had to hire one person to help me and I’m interviewing a second. In fact, I’m on track to double my income again this year while getting to spend even more time doing the things I love to do, like creating more Girls Can’t WHAT? characters and adding new freebies to the site.

So how did I do it?

It started with an email about B-School (B for Business). It arrived in my inbox with a link to a super fun and professionally polished video featuring Marie Forleo. I watched it and immediately trashed the email. I was burned out on “marketing and business gurus”. I mean, seriously. I have a college degree in business. How much more could I possibly learn? Later that week, I ran across a second video by Marie on Facebook. Again, I watched it and then promptly talked myself out of getting on her list to see what this B-School thing was all about.

Then came the third video. By this time, I had seen Marie in various places and admittedly she had my attention. So I opted in to get more info about B-School. Now, I’m no dummy and I knew she was selling something. I also knew it was probably going to cost me a few bucks to take her online class. When the next class opened up, I stalled and tried to rationalize why I didn’t need it and that I was too busy and came up with a ton of excuses. But at the last minute, I ponied up the cash and went for it. And I can tell you that has been one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made.

What’s B-School like?

The very first thing I noticed about B-School is the incredibly positive environment. We have a private membership to the site and a closed Facebook group. It’s an immensely rich network of women in just about every field you can think of and it’s nothing but positive vibes and ideas to help you grow your business or reach your dreams. It’s just freaking awesome!

Then the classes started. And then the office hour calls where we could phone in our questions for personal coaching. The advice, the materials, the videos – everything is outstanding. Hands down it’s better than any online class I have ever taken.

And the biggest value is the network of women I’ve met and learned from. I had heard B-School Alumni saying how wonderful the interaction was but until I experienced it first hand, I was a total skeptic. We help each other with technology, web design, financial questions, personal problems. It’s an amazing community you won’t find anywhere else.

And it doesn’t end when the B-School curriculum is over. To this day, the private B-School group is almost always the first thing I check on Facebook. When I have a question, I take it to the B-School community. And I won’t hesitate to answer questions for other B-Schoolers when they fall within my area of expertise. It’s Win-Win all around.

So how do you get in?

I’m so glad you’re asking me this question. First, I want to be absolutely up front with you about what B-School is and what I get for telling you about it. As an alumni of the 2012 B-School class, I do get an affiliate commission when you sign up for this year’s class. It’s an honor and a privilege for me to introduce you to such an amazing resource.

I promise you this will be a life-changing experience for you. If you’re still not sure, there is a refund policy available. You really can’t lose. If you’re serious about taking your dream to the next level, this is one investment in yourself you don’t want to miss. Take the plunge. You’re worth it.

And if you have any questions about the program, feel free to contact me privately or leave a comment below. I’d be happy to answer any questions I possibly can. B-school is the best thing to happen to women business owners. See for yourself… check out the first video.

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