Goal Setting: It’s Not About Numbers

This is post #3 in the Goal Setting Series. Next: Creating Your Goal Sheet

Girls Can't WHAT? Computer Geek

When we think of goal setting, we often picture spreadsheets, graphs and lots of number crunching. If you’ve heard about “SMART” goals, you know that “M” is for measurable. But not all goals can be measured to the letter. You can set goals that don’t have a number attached to them.

One of my goals for this coming year is to write some really fabulous content for this site. Sure, I will block time on my calendar to write and I can measure my time and the number of articles I produce, but that does not ensure that my writing will be quality material. Quality will be a judgment call by my readers.

However, since I also set a goal to increase member registrations and return visitors, I can look at those statistics and determine if my writing was perhaps good or bad. In the end, “quality” writing is completely objective and I will just have to be honest with myself whether or not I really put in the effort to publish rockstar material and if my visitor statistics reflect that.

Just because a goal can’t be measured by a number doesn’t mean it is any less important. You can still have a great intention, plan for it, execute it and determine the result, all without doing any sort of math.

Yes, it’s only October, but start today. Jot some ideas down in a notebook and then make a date with yourself to read through the rest of this series and fine tune your steps to successful goal setting and achievement.

This is post #3 in the Goal Setting Series. Next: Creating Your Goal Sheet


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