Help Me Use My Super Power

Ever since I wrote about Finding Your Super Power, I’ve been itching to use mine in a larger capacity.  As a refresher, my super power is…

Challenging women to break stereotypes and achieve their dreams.

So what can I do to help YOU break through stereotypes and achieve your dreams?  This is not a rhetorical question.  I really want to know what challenges you are facing.  My Super Power is based on problem solving.  I think that’s what my mind was built to do.  I’m always on the lookout to find solutions and move forward in every area.  So please send me your questions, your challenges and your ideas and let’s brainstorm together to find solutions and help you achieve your dreams.

Simply contact me with your name and your question and I’ll use it in a future post to help you determine ways to bypass those roadblocks and take charge of your goals.  Only first names will be used in the posts – privacy is a must.

Oh – and if you haven’t figured out your super power yet, check out the post and discover your super power.


  • A

    Yes – and what you write is quite good. I still have your blog in my reader. :)

  • My super power is writing and I’m doing my best to use it in my blog Hope Springs Internal to promote positive images of women in the media. I know there is still a lot more that I can (and will!) do, but I’m glad to know that I’m using my power for good!


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